Business App Forms
Jeff Moore
Is there any development still happening with Business App Forms?
Improvements that can be made:
* Add Automations based on a form submit
* Can we map custom fields into the CRM from a Form Submit
* Add a tag to the form submit
* Source ID is generic "Form" Add "From + Name" option or From ID
* Form activity page... exp: see all of the submissions from a form in a single place (spreadsheet style)
These are just a few thoughts that I had to improve the way our clients can provide a better end to end experience.
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Jeff Moore
Just posting back on this. Is there anything planned for "Form Automation". The real need here is the Trigger. When a Form (form name) is submitted do X. This really comes into play when a business might use the form multiple times. Exp: reservation, schedule a lesson.
Any feedback?
Jeff Moore
Hey Troy, The easier way to do this is to use a Custom CRM field. This can be hidden in the form or even a drop down.
The real challenge here is that when you use step to add a tag it removes all of the other tags instead of adding an additional one. So be careful if you are using multiple tags an on a contact/company. I pretty much do not use the tags any more for this reason.
It is easy to filter on the field but it is not as sexy as a tag is seeing all the details in one place.
The big PRO to this (using custom fields) is that if the contact already exists the Record Source Drill Down could already populated and the automation could fail.
Troy Wagner
Yes, we need to be able to add a tag or some sort of label that the Automations we create will be able to recognize that contact as having come from a form submission. From there we can add those contacts to an Automation. As of now, we have to add the form to the site, create and submit a "test" that shows up in the CRM. Then it adds a Record Source Drill Down 1 that we can then use in an Automation. This is an unnecessary and time consuming step. We should just be able to add that tag or name to the form, or we should be able to add forms by name to an automation. Not sure how it would work best. Also, being able to automatically have form submissions ajdded addedto a list would be great.