Inbox Pro To Send SMS Text to Designated Representative
Michael Brock
I would like to be notified by SMS text when someone leaves their contact information via the Chat Widget in Inbox Pro. I tried to create an automation (as mentioned here: but it only appears that I can have the system send the person who left the contact information a text, not me.
Is there a way to do this? I would like a SMS text message sent to me (or one person delegated on my team) with the submitter's contact information (and possibly the thread of the text in the Chat Widget (see: Just the alert would be a great start.
Many clients, including myself, do not regularly check our Notification Center and emails have become too commonplace. A notice via SMS text would be an extremely useful option.
If InBox Pro can send a SMS text to the Chat Widget submitter, why not us?
The technology would seem to be already integrated into InBox Pro.
Thank you.
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Michael Brock
Yes - that would work as well. This app is In progress?
Vendasta Team
Thanks for the request Michael Brock. As a clarifying question, if instead of SMS, users had the ability to be notified by push notification powered by an app on their phone (iOS or Android) would this deliver the same value you're after - to be notified on the go, on a mobile device? Or would you still choose to be notified by SMS? The app with push notifications is being built now