I would like to be notified by SMS text when someone leaves their contact information via the Chat Widget in Inbox Pro. I tried to create an automation (as mentioned here: https://support.vendasta.com/hc/en-us/articles/23007538689303-Send-SMS-via-Business-App-Automations-in-Inbox) but it only appears that I can have the system send the person who left the contact information a text, not me.
Is there a way to do this? I would like a SMS text message sent to me (or one person delegated on my team) with the submitter's contact information (and possibly the thread of the text in the Chat Widget (see: https://share.digitalwires.net/L1ubE2Yn). Just the alert would be a great start.
Many clients, including myself, do not regularly check our Notification Center and emails have become too commonplace. A notice via SMS text would be an extremely useful option.
If InBox Pro can send a SMS text to the Chat Widget submitter, why not us?
The technology would seem to be already integrated into InBox Pro.
Thank you.