White Label Business App Navigation
Brandon Kidd
We currently have the ability to white label certain products in the business app. However, expanding this capability to include customizing labels in the app's main navigation would be beneficial.
For instance, renaming the 'Executive Report' to 'Insights' could be an option.
Additionally, being able to arrange the menu order would greatly enhance user experience.
This added flexibility would greatly help partners make business app their own.
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Andrew Cordova-Andrews
I would also like to be able to add urls and items to the side menu - on a per client basis as well as by "default" for all clients.
This would allow us to do so much more for our clients with the business app. Right now our tech stack requires us to build external dashboards with links and descriptions of each tool - being able to do this within business app would be essential to my business being able to fully adopt the solution.
It should also allow customizability such as allowing us to build a page with a link or button to the external tool, iframe the external tool with a brief header at the top, or just take directly to the tool in a new tab.
The more flexibility, the better.