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What's New
What's New: 2024-07-04
This week, Mel Kozun shares big updates to the Partner Center CRM, new products for Inbox, and more.
Sell AI Web Chat and SMS for Inbox, Separately
To help you provide the communication solution best suited to each of your clients, we’re introducing even more flexibility to how you can sell Inbox.

Find them all in Marketplace
Business App
- [Automations] View, create, and edit automations easily on mobile.
- [CRM] Set up booking links from Business App > CRM > My Meetings. Once set, paste the link in your email signature, website, email campaigns or anywhere else you’d like to invite prospects and clients to see your availability and book time.
- [Inbox] Sell Vendasta’s AI Web Chat widget for Inbox and SMS for Inbox as standalone products, available in Marketplace. Learn more above
Partner Center
- [Automations] View, create, and edit automations easily on mobile.
- [Automations & Campaigns] Pause automated campaigns for Companies and Contacts based on a certain trigger, such as when a note is created, a tag is added, the last contacted date has been updated, etc.
- [Campaigns] Contacts in Snapshot campaigns without a Primary Company associated will be tallied as "Stopped" in campaign analytics.
- [Campaigns] View full analytics for campaigns sent to your CRM contacts.
- [CRM] Identify top quality leads with lead scoring. With all Company fields at your disposal when setting criteria, you can take into consideration how ideal a prospect is for your particular business and how ready they are to buy. Once your scoring rules are set, filter Companies by Lead Score to do any number of things, from adding them to a sales campaign to prioritizing sales tasks to make the best use of your sales team’s time, and improve your close rate. Learn more
- [CRM] Monitor all sales activity from Partner Center > CRM > Activity feedto ensure your sales team is taking all the right steps to close leads and expand accounts.
- [CRM] Build a white label experience for your salespeople in your Partner Center CRM. Learn more
- [CRM] Complete a single sales task more quickly by clicking on a task in Partner Center > CRM > Tasks. Learn more
- [CRM] Set up booking links from Partner Center > CRM > My Meetings. Once set, paste the link in your email signature, website, email campaigns or anywhere else you’d like to invite prospects and clients to see your availability and book time with you.
- [Task Manager] Manage Project and Task templates from one page, with a separate tab for each.
- [Task Manager] Create tasks from templates with easy access to the template library from Task Manager > Tasks > Create task > Use task templateor Task Manager > Projects > Create task (dropdown beside Create project) > Use task template.