
Business App



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What's New: 2024-09-12

This week, Kendall Johns shares new integrations, and updates to AI web chat that encourage web visitors to engage.
Business App
  • [APIs & Integrations] Integrate Jobber and Housecall Pro directly with Business App to sync CRM data, automate review requests, centralize communication, and more. Use Automations to further streamline workflows and create engaging post-purchases experiences for customers. Learn more
  • [Inbox] On mobile, the AI web chat’s avatar pops up immediately with a greeting, complete with a green “online” indicator to encourage visitors to engage in a conversation.
  • [Inbox] Position AI web chat to show in the bottom left or right corner of a website by setting the Web Chat bottom corner position field in Inbox > Inbox Settings > Configure Web Chat > Appearance > Web Chat bottom corner position.
  • [Inbox] Web chat messages appear on screen more quickly to assure visitors that their enquiries are being captured and processed immediately.