Present multiple options in a proposal
Jehan Zouak
Present multiple product or package options in a proposal so your customer can choose which option will work best for them.
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Damien Orozco
Yes, that would be great. In many cases, I want to provide 2 or 3 options of the same offer and have the flexibility to adjust the proposal as needed on the fly.
Gayle Williams
I want to add my word to this as well. SUPER HIGH PRIORITY for me as I use this tool a lot. Simply being able to add more than one pricing table would suffice. However, if you created a options module that combined the 2 or 3 options into a table so that the client could select the one they choose, then we wouldn't have the confusion of what is selected if the client clicks that final approval.
Troy Wagner
THANK YOU! I tried to add 2 pricing tables to create 2 packages and it did not you know. Looking forward to this!