Resize Custom Field Input Box
Zach Huffman
We like to utilize custom fields within partner center but we wish we could manipulate the box sizing or wrap the text. The field allows for 4000 characters but no way can you read this info quickly without those features.
Log In
Jehan Zouak
Merged in a post:
Custom Fields
Sara Folsom
Wrap around feature or scroll bar
Jacquelynn Harris
In the Custom Fields tab, we would like a way to click in any box and be able to scroll through the text or make the box as long as we need them to be.
Example: In the Marketing tab, we can do the same thing with the business descriptions. We are able to make the box as long as we need to see all the text with the long and short descriptions and be able to use a scroll bar to move the text up and down. We would love to be able to do this with the boxes in the Custom Fields too.