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Bulk Delete Accounts
Overview: This feature request is to allow users to delete accounts in bulk in Partner Center, as opposed to one by one. Currently, the only way to delete accounts in bulk is by submitting a support ticket for the vendasta team to handle. By implementing this feature, users will be able to delete accounts on their own within just a few clicks, streamlining the process and saving time. Problem: Deleting accounts one by one is a time-consuming and inefficient process. Additionally, if a user accidentally uploads incorrect or bad data, there is currently no way to delete the accounts in bulk. This can lead to a significant waste of time and resources, as well as the risk of data inaccuracies. Use Cases: A user has uploaded a list of accounts but realizes that the data is incorrect. With the bulk delete feature, the user can easily delete all of the accounts in the list in just a few clicks. Another use case is when a user is cleaning up their account list and wants to delete a large number of accounts quickly and efficiently. Design Details: The bulk account delete feature should allow users to select multiple accounts at once, and then delete them all with a single click. There should also be an "undo" option available for list uploads, allowing users to easily revert to the previous state in the event of errors or mistakes. Impact: This feature will significantly improve the user experience by streamlining the process of deleting accounts. It will save time and resources and reduce the risk of data inaccuracies. Additionally, it will reduce the need for support tickets related to account deletions. Priority: This feature is critical to the success of Partner Center as it aligns with your goal of providing a user-friendly and efficient platform. It will improve the user experience and reduce the workload for both users and support staff. As such, it should be prioritized as a high-priority feature for the next product roadmap cycle.
Client Activity needs to provide more meaningful data and more searchable
There are two issues with the Recent Activity: 1 - Client communications that take place from within the system. It doesn't show you the actual emails so you know what was sent. This is what is described in the email thread below. EMAIL THREAD: We can't SEE THE ACTUAL EMAIL that was sent out. You're not copied on the emails to the client nor can you SEE THE ACTUAL email. Telling me that they received something and who opened it is fine, but if I don't know WHAT IT SAID (without having to go back and look at campaigns) it doesn't help me. Nothing is logged under activity, except (1) emails you send from your own email with tracking set and (2) opportunity edits - changed person, changed title, etc.of which only very little provides any value. Some of the most important things NOT tracked in activity are: Proposals being sent out so that there is a history of different versions - or even simply so you remember what you typed in the email that was sent with the proposal Emails from campaigns or automations Welcome email for dashboard Snapshot emails sent Those are just off the top of my head... There is literally no way to see what communication has been sent to clients other than the two things I mentioned at the start of this email. The problem I see with the comms that get sent out to clients is that it is not tracked in the activity tracker... so you have no way of tracing the history. The activity tracker in each account in the Sales Center just tracks minor things like you changed an Opportunity name or assigned it to someone, along with the emails that were tracked on it. Nowhere does it log all the other activity that takes place from campaigns and automations... so you never really know what was sent out. 2 - Searching for logged activity. It doesn't filter the information or even show you the stuff you've entered. See video. LOOM VIDEO: https://www.loom.com/share/5efa1ca6edb542beb1ed67513e8eb501
Duplicate Check During Account Import
Overview: This feature request is to add a duplicate check functionality to the "Import Account (csv Upload)" feature in Partner Center. Currently, there is no way to check for duplicate entries when importing account information via a CSV file. By implementing this feature, users will be able to identify and remove duplicate entries, improving the accuracy and quality of their data. Problem: Without a duplicate check function, users risk importing duplicate entries when uploading account information via a CSV file. This can lead to data inaccuracies and errors, as well as wasted time and resources spent manually identifying and removing duplicates. Use Cases: A user has a large list of account information that they need to upload to the platform via a CSV file. With the duplicate check feature, the user can easily identify and remove any duplicate entries before uploading the data, improving the accuracy of the account information. Design Details: The duplicate check feature should be able to identify duplicate entries based on standard fields such as CompanyName, phone, email, contact name, as well as any custom fields created by the user. Users should be able to choose which fields to use for the duplicate check, and the system should provide a clear report of any duplicate entries that are found. Users should be able to choose from several options for handling the duplicate entries found during the check. They should be able to skip the duplicate entries and only import the unique entries, overwrite the duplicate entries with the new data, or update the duplicate entries with the new data. Impact: This feature will significantly improve the accuracy and quality of the data on the platform. It will save time and resources by preventing the need for manual duplicate identification and removal, and reduce the risk of data inaccuracies and errors. Priority: This feature is critical to the success of the product as it aligns with our goal of providing accurate and high-quality data on the platform. It will improve the user experience and reduce the workload for users who currently need to manually identify and remove duplicate entries. As such, it should be prioritized as a high-priority feature for the next product roadmap cycle.
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